Mass Intentions

Mass Intentions

We typically have many openings for weekday mass intentions, and most weekends a month or two ahead of time.

Consider the important dates in your life where we can help  celebrate, or pray for you and your loved ones.

Birthdays, anniversaries, and requiem masses are all very special moments to remember in prayer.


Ways to request Mass Intentions :

  1. On page 2 of the bulletin, you may use the “other” section of the Records and Communication Form cut out.
  2. There is a mass intention form you can fill out available in both the church vestibule (near the bulletins), or in the parish office.
  3. Online Mass Intention Request Form Intention Request Form

 Intention requests and donations can be dropped in the collection basket at weekend masses or in the parish office mail box or brought to the parish office during normal business hours.

 Requested donation for mass intentions is $10.00